Crow Magick- Conjure Oil
Conjure Oil, also known as anointing, conditioning, dressing or ritual oils, they are essentially a base of carrier oil of the crafters choosing, with added herbs, roots, powders, resins, flowers, essential and / or fragrance oils.
For many moons crows have been associated with creation, alchemy, spiritual growth and mysticism. It’s said that they can help us to remember our past lives when we journey with them. Crow Magick is beneficial when you are wanting to increase your creative flow and inspiration, are stuck at a crossroads and need clarity, are seeking spiritual guidance or are wanting insight into your past lives. Adaptability, cleverness, intelligence, teamwork, reciprocity, transformation, and heightening psychic abilities are all apart of the Crow Medicine. The energy of this oil aids transformation, healing and change. The intelligent crow gives us insight into situations around us and help us adapt as needed and to identify opportunities for an ability to advance. Personal transformation awaits you.
15mL / 1/2oz
skin safe, but always do a sensitivity patch test.
• add to baths/showers/soaks • anoint the skin/body • anoint window sills, doorways, thresholds • feed mojo bags • floor & wall washes • floor sweeps • sigil drawing • candle dressing • spell jars • home diffuser or simmer pots • money or salt bowls • cleaning & cleansing • anoint altar tools or witchcraft items • offerings • spell workings •