Cleopatra Conjure Oil
Conjure Oil, also known as anointing, conditioning, dressing or ritual oils, they are essentially a base of carrier oil of the crafters choosing, with added herbs, roots, powders, resins, flowers, essential and / or fragrance oils.
Cleopatra, the ancient Queen of Egypt, was known for her regal power, strength, unabashed sensuality, intelligence, sexuality, beauty, charisma, cunning charm and alluring energy. Use this oil to channel her feminine, powerful energy, intense beauty and inspiring love. Tap into that mystic energy and suffuse your aura with this potent blend by wearing it daily or during spell work. Used to increase your confidence, influence, seduction, ability to gain support from others, draw love and passion to you, exert control in romantic relationship or use lust to control. This formula is also well suited to use in beauty and glamour magick. Excellent for daily wear for those wanting attention. When paired with self-work, self-love, vibrational alignment techniques and intention, this oil provides a very powerful increase in control, ability to influence and confidence the arenas of love, seduction, glamour and public image.
15mL / 1/2oz
skin safe, but always do a sensitivity patch test.
• add to baths/showers/soaks • anoint the skin/body • anoint window sills, doorways, thresholds • feed mojo bags • floor & wall washes • floor sweeps • sigil drawing • candle dressing • spell jars • home diffuser or simmer pots • money or salt bowls • cleaning & cleansing • anoint altar tools or witchcraft items • offerings • spell workings •